Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Kissimmee, Florida is a totally different place than my home town or Tuscaloosa. The transition from home to Tuscaloosa wasn't too too different in the way that people go, especially being in the greek system. Most of the guys and girls at my high school just look like fratty guys and greek girls. But there are so many different things that go on down there. For one definitely there is a more variety not only from all of the tourists for Disney, Universal and Sea World, but also because there are so many different people that come from different places that actually live there. There are a lot of latin people. Almost everywhere we went someone was speaking Spanish. It was actually quite annoying.. not to be prejudice or anything.. its just so different to me and yeah I'm nosey and like to know what people are talking about sometimes. I do come from a small community and there aren't many minorities, so going to a place that was completely the opposite of what I grew up with was just a totally different experience for me. Even in Tuscaloosa I haven't seen as much diversity as I did there. I saw more people who talked different, looked different, acted different and dressed different in the same area than really I've ever really noticed. I've been to New York and Chicago and other Northern places that do have a lot of diversity, but there were just too many people there and so many more clearly tourists than the people that were in the malls and less touristy places in Kissimmee and Orlando. Their schools have a ton of gang problems and things like that, things that my school never really had. Their schools also had different sports. I went to my first water polo game while I was there and it was quite interesting. My roommate had told me about it and what not but I never really understood what it was like until I saw it. The houses are also very different. They have a lot more secluded neighborhoods than I've seen and all the houses are totally identical. Even in different areas they're all the same. To say the least this trip was definitely an adventure for me... and totally shows how small and alike my community really is.

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